I Am the Voice of Hyland’s Giveaway!
“I Am the Voice of Hyland’s are you???”
Have you used Hyland’s all natural health care products?
If, so Hylands wants you to speak OUT!
Hyland’s has been around since the year 1903. They have been helping families with all kinds of ailments from infant to adult. I remember my mother giving me Hyland’s products as a child, and that is a LONG time ago! Hyland’s has come along way since the 1970′s and even earlier, they now carry products to help out with your everyday needs your family may encounter, and you will have right on the shelf. Whether it be allergies,leg cramps, sleep issues, no matter what it is Hyland’s has you covered, and it is the natural way!
Sugar free, all natural and Homeopathic is how Hyland’s started their business, and have maintained for well over 100 years.
Hyland’s is reaching out and wanting to hear YOUR VOICE too!
Have you used Hylands Products in the past,
present and/ or future?
Hyland’s is sponsoring this amazing giveaway
for $80 of assorted health care products as
shown and listed below.
To be eligible to win these
products all Hylands asks of you
is to:
*To share your unique experiences on why
you choose Hyland’s on their Social Media
Sites below.* (you only have to pick one)and
in return they will be reading each and
everyone of the comments,
Please do not say on facebook that I sent you to complete this task, it is a choice of places you can make a comment. I am not telling you by any means that you have to do this. However, to be able to be eligible to win the Gift pack you need to leave a comment on one site.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Hylands.Health
Hyland’s website : http://www.hylands.com
Amazon Product pages:http://www.amazon.com/hyland’s
ONCE YOU HAVE DONE ONE OF THE ABOVE:leave a comment below this post that you have completed A COMMENT/REVIEW.
**If you comment on 2 or more leave a 2nd/3rd message below that you have done so**
. One winner will be chosen at random to win the gift basket. Contest length is two weeks.
Hyland’s Baby Vitamin C Tablets
Hyland’s Baby Tiny Cold Tablets
Hyland’s Cold n’ Cough 4 Kids
Hyland’s Complete Allergy 4 Kids
Hyland’s Calms Forte
Hyland’s Leg Cramps
Hyland’s DEFEND Sinus
Hyland’s DEFEND Cold & Cough
Hyland’s Muscle Therapy Gel with Arnica
Approximate retail value : $80
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